Yahoo SEO

While Google controls 84% of worldwide searches (current as of November 2009), Yahoo is the second most used search engine, controlling 6% of worldwide searches. This means that working with a firm that knows Yahoo SEO can show you a significant boost in your search engine result pages. Yahoo's algorithm is slightly different than Googles, and there are special considerations to rank a website in Yahoo's web properties.
Yahoo has a directory service similar to Google local and we start by making sure you are listed in this directory. If you have a new website, we will sometimes recommend paid inclusion into the Yahoo search engine, to quickly get the site indexed and ranked.
Yahoo pulls their calculations on links slightly differently than Google and typically their tool site explorer will provide more accurate data on link statistics than Google. Since they are more transparent this area, we can use the Yahoo web tools to see which links your competitors are using and extract their SEO and online PR strategies for competitive advantage.
Working with us will give you an edge in the Yahoo search engine and for a Free SEO Evaluation please fill out the form below.

Free SEO Evaluation Request

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Please describe your project requirements and budget

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Thanks, you guys saved me again. I could not have handled these past weeks without you. You are always there at crunch time.
Todd Sims
CEO, TixSmart Inc.